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The Story of Duke Nemati [Ch 2] Empty
PostSubject: The Story of Duke Nemati [Ch 2]   The Story of Duke Nemati [Ch 2] EmptyTue 15 Dec 2009, 3:07 pm

The night light shines from above. What magic emits such bright rays?

Ah. It is no magic, but the awesome power of nature, my king.

Is this power greater than mine? He asked.

Nay. Answered the noble. Nay. It matches you not, my king.

- from the history book 'Foolish King'


Nemaflow was reading.

Nemaflow thought.

This book shows insights to how, in olden days, corrupted kings were deceived by nobles and ultimately doomed the kingdom.

Its value to our future generation is immeasurable, as will the great story of my own and the duke Nemati prove to be.

We shall leave our names in history, and I shall witness it firsthand!


Nemaflow awoke with a tension in his neck. As soon as he got up, Nemati marched in.

Nemati : "Advisor. You slept late. Has some matter kept you up this long night?"

Nemaflow : "No, kind duke. I was merely having a wet dream about this beautiful creature."

Nemati : .......

Nemaflow : "This creature's name is Lexi Belle, and she is the target of awe for many young nightelf warriors this day."

Nemati : "I needed not know this. Anyways, get ready for battle, knight!"

So Nemaflow got ready. When he stepped outside, he realized that King Nzar had come to see them in person.

Nzar : "Valiant warriors. What conceited purpose you have in my citadel?"

Nemati : "Your tyranny is over, King. I come here as your enemy, as I am sure you already know. Also know that negotiation of monetary measures will be of little use here!"

Nzar : "I applaud your courage. Not many would have planned to overthrow their own king for a purpose other than greed. But I have heard from my commander that you have evaded a portion of tax payments, and this was fault at your end. I assume the unpaid taxes have been used to bring up this grand scale of army. Very well. What is done is done. But remember that I did not bring this war upon you. You were the initiator."

Nemati : "You are too proud and too full of yourself. You play little games such as archery tactics with your men all day, and seldom practices in real battles. You have let down your kingdom and I shall improvise it. First I will prove my worth to you by defeating you."

Nzar : "You mock archery tactics, yet sources tell me that you are quite an advocate for that game as well. Do I sense an irony in your statement? Archery tactics is a valuable game measuring your ability to predict enemy's movements while making your own movements hard to predict. It is a smart game for my warriors, and it is for no other purpose that I practice this game to encourage my warriors."

Nemati : "You cannot reason out of this hole you dug. You are a lethargic king, and mostly useless. Soon your time will end and you won't be able to reach me in my northern regions of this Canada I plan to take over and expand my territory to. Even now, Wales grows too small for me, and I need to expand if I am to fully utilize my commanding abilities."

Nzar : "You wish to be the tyrant. You greed not for money, but for power, and it may well have consumed you. I have thought highly of you, but this opinion of mine no longer validates. You are but a cheap mud golem, and your only trick is to slow!"

Nemati : "I am no mud golem. I am a warrior, ranked high above the common knights, and I utilize the strength of moon. I shadowmeld behind the cape of moonlight. You will not see me when moon shines its rays here, and panic will strike your own cold, black heart. I have a hundred men and a thousand strategies. My honorable Nemato has raised 10,000 aows just for this war."

Nzar : "10,000! Such a large quantity. However, this is not enough to break down my titanium walls. And I see no trace of aows here. You may be bluffing."

Nemato : "King Nzar. My aows will be here by noon. Their movements are not equally fast as the dryads and bears you see here. Give them time, and you shall be surprised at their sheer number."

As Nemato finished his sentence, the first of the aows started to march forward. Following it were many, many more aows. A line of fortified tree spirits that seemed almost endless!

At seeing this, King Nzar gulped.

Nzar : "I see. Your intention was not to merely negotiate. What you wish for is the reorganization of hierarchical power system in this world. Your dreams have preceded you, young warriors. As much as I value asain warriors in this kingdom, Nemato, the noble lord of castle Warrengham, you shall die here with this duke that you call your ally. This will go down as the war of the century, but know that I will win. My army is limitless, far more superior to your foolish trees. My warriors will now prepare for battle. Everything will unveil here, tonight. Until then, I wish you a short moment of happiness as you prepare to engage in the biggest battle of your lives."

Nzar disappeared without a trace.

Ownage : "He vanished....?"

Nemato : "Fear not, for the king has many tricks, but none of them a serious threat."

Nemaflow, watching the nightelf army assemble, looked around the ground that he stood on for one last time.

He had plans of his own...

Last edited by [N]emato on Thu 17 Jun 2010, 8:52 pm; edited 2 times in total
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The Story of Duke Nemati [Ch 2] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Story of Duke Nemati [Ch 2]   The Story of Duke Nemati [Ch 2] EmptyTue 15 Dec 2009, 4:08 pm

Nemaflow was a son of a farmer.

His father was a strong man. But one day, as he was seeding corns and wheat, dark clouds formed just above him.

Nemaflow's father : "Hm. My senses are tingling. It must be time for rain."

But it was no mere rain. A large storm approached quickly, and then he got hit by lightnings multiple times and died.


From that day, Flow changed his name to Nemaflow to honor his father, whose name had nothing to do was nema, and swore an oath.

Nemaflow : "I swear I will overthrow King Nzar who let this happen to my family."

5 years later, here he was, on the battlefield, face to face with King Nzar.

Nemaflow grinned.

He could finally fulfill his oath and go back to being a lowly peasant.

However, as the battle broke, fogs appeared and it became really hard to see.

Nemati : "Nemaflow, your army is needed down south!"

Nemaflow : "I cannot see clearly, my lord. It seems I have the night blindness."

Nemati : "Foolishness! I had forgotten your lack of nightelf spirits. Perhaps I could consult lord Nemato about a cure?"

Nemaflow : "This is useless, I am afraid. I have received a whisper from Ownage that Nemato is leading the army upfront at this moment. There is no way we could contact him personally."

Nemati : "Then we shall whisper back!"

"/w [N]emato warrior. Flow needs a cure for night blindness."

But there was no reply.

Nemaflow : "This is concerning. Perhaps he is injured!"

Nemati : "Not Nemato. He must be too busy right clicking to maintain 150 apm."

Nemaflow : "Then I shall just have to do my best to lead my army down south. I suffer from lack of sense of directions as the night blindness hinders me, but I will try..."

Nemati : "Do your best warrior!"

But being the noob of the bunch, he went the wrong way and actually went directly to King Nzar's chamber.

Nzar : "What blasphemy is this! How could a mere knight creep up to me unnoticed and unharmed! Have my guardians failed me?"

Nemaflow : "It is you, I see. But I don't see, because I am blinded. But I am not actually blind, it's just temporary."

Nzar : "k"

Nemaflow : "I have come to you to slay you. I swore this to myself 5 years ago."

Nzar : "What tragic story do you have, I inquire?"

Nemaflow : "My dad was killed."

Nzar : "This is most saddening. Perhaps a sum of 1,000 gold compensates enough?"

Nemaflow : "You are the most heartless king of this Kingdom, because you are the only one. And I accept your offer, because refusing your offer sounds retarded."

Nzar : "You have a way with words, knight."

With this contract, Nemaflow actually became Nzar's subordinate!

Upon hearing this, Nemato sounded the retreat.

Nemato : "We must retreat now!!!!"

Ownage : "But lord?"

Nemato : "We cannot fight this war any longer without casualties. King Nzar will recover quicker than us with his vast amount of tax incomes, but we won't. We have to promise for another day."

Ownage : "...Retreat!!!"

The news of Nemato's retreat flew into Nemati's ears as well.

Nemati : "Lord Nemato..."

Nemato : "Duke Nemati. We have no choice. King Nzar has confused Flow into eternal servitude. If we are to rescue him, we have to gather more strength."

Nemati : "This I cannot agree more. However, I do not see a possible source of reinforcement at this time. Not many would be willing to lend power for a heavy crime such as treason."

Nemato : "Then we must look further, into the neighboring kingdoms. I have heard of strong warriors in the kingdom of Infernal Cry. They are well managed by a useful king Anatoily, and their warriors have been in the best of their shapes for a while."

Nemati : "But how could we contact them?"

Nemato : "I shall use my MSN. We shall ask for help, and our proposal will be accepted. For I will offer to them 10% of our annual tax income from this day forward!"

Nemati : "You sell yourself to a contract for a cheap victory."

Nemato : "Do not mock me, duke Nemati. We have no choice. We shall return here in a week with heavy reinforcements, and King Nzar will have to give up his tyranny AND Nemaflow, whom he confused into slavery."

At this time, Nemaflow was very confused.

Nemaflow : "What has happened to me. Had I no honor to my friends, or had I so little that it was tradable for a mere sum of 1,000 gold? Such a lowly trade! I weep at my own insignificant self. I could not refuse such payment. Had I been stronger, I could have slain Nzar with my own hands, yet here I am, singing sexual inuendo for my eternal service to the tyrant. I shall get rid of his crown soon, and possess it myself. I shall be the king!!!"
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The Story of Duke Nemati [Ch 2] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Story of Duke Nemati [Ch 2]   The Story of Duke Nemati [Ch 2] EmptyTue 15 Dec 2009, 5:46 pm

Your story is of much intrigue, Kek. I perhaps shall continue writing tonight after studying for my ferocious exams to be written tomorrow ~
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The Story of Duke Nemati [Ch 2] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Story of Duke Nemati [Ch 2]   The Story of Duke Nemati [Ch 2] EmptyWed 16 Dec 2009, 1:09 am

It is a delight for me to see that you have not given up your work here in the history archives. I am most looking forward to the next chapter of your tales as I am sure it will unfold how I have grown as a warrior through hardships and archery tactics training. Until then, farewell.
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The Story of Duke Nemati [Ch 2] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Story of Duke Nemati [Ch 2]   The Story of Duke Nemati [Ch 2] EmptyWed 16 Dec 2009, 12:46 pm

I am in a great case of curiosity as of to what happens after this.
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The Story of Duke Nemati [Ch 2] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Story of Duke Nemati [Ch 2]   The Story of Duke Nemati [Ch 2] EmptyTue 22 Dec 2009, 12:07 pm

At this time, Lexi Belle was naked and fast asleep, but she woke up.

Lexi Belle : "What an odd dream. I have dreamed of a knight called Nemaflow, and he's soooooooooooooo cute. But he's in danger! He's singing sexual inuendo to King Nzar. This is most concerning. I must go rescue him at once!"

So she put on her bra and went out the door.

She travelled 5 minutes in freezing cold weather to reach the Citadel. Here she knocked at the gate and it opened.

Nemaflow : "Who is there? I cannot see for I have the night blindness. If you are an enemy of King Nzar, begone!"

Lexi Belle : "This voice I recognize. It is you, Nemaflow. I have dreamed of meeting you."

Nemaflow : "Could she be...?"

Lexi Belle : "Do not be alarmed, my boy. I come to rescue you. Come now! Quickly."

Nemaflow : "Have the nine gods finally answered my prayers? Alas, but I cannot go with you now. I am being followed by King Nzar's shades. I am afraid my prayers have been answered too late. Good bye."

Nemaflow, resisting the desire to dance around in joy at the sight of Lexi Belle, kept his cool and began to close the gate.

Lexi Belle : "Wait! There has to be another way!"

Nemaflow : "I am afraid not. I am forever prisoned inside these titanium walls. I wait for my friends Nemati and Nemato to come save me, but such hope is futile, for it was I who betrayed them. I deserve this punishment."

Lexi Belle : "You speak of punishment. Perhaps you will punish me tonight."

With these words, Lexi Belle came closer.

Nemaflow took a step back.

Nemaflow : "Young maiden, go back. I cannot put you in danger."

Lexi Belle : "Surely you won't kick me out in this freezing weather! It is a cold night and I am wearing nothing but a bra. You have to let me inside to warm up!"

Nemaflow : "I cannot see you in the dark. Perhaps you would come to the light so I can see. Are you sure you are wearing nothing else?"

Lexi Belle : "Yes"

Nemaflow woke up.

Nemaflow : "Kek. This would have been the best wet dream I've had, if not for these ghouls making noises in this night. What is going on outside, I wonder."

Nemaflow turned on the lamp and went towards the window.

Nemaflow : "Do my eyes deceive me, or is there a figure battling his way towards the fortress?"

Outside, an unknown warrior was fighting King Nzar's army valiantly.

Nemaflow : "Who that creature may be, I do not know, for I cannot see his face from the distance, but it does not matter. Now is my only chance to escape!"

Nemaflow picked up his personal hygenic items hurridly and went outside.

However, King Nzar's first commander Sir Penguin the VII was not to be underrestimated.

Sir Penguin the VII : "Halt, Nemaflow! You cannot get away in my watch."

Nemaflow : "You, sir Penguin, are most persistent. But I am in a hurry. I will fight my way through you if you don't step back."

Nemaflow made a fighting growl at his enemy.

Sir Penguin the VII : "You, a mere prisoner, threaten me? Surely you don't think I've come alone to stop you?"

Nemaflow, already guessing what awaited him, gulped and looked.

Sir Penguin the VII has assembled an army of druids of claw.

Penguin : "I see you stopped growling at me. Perhaps you are scared?"

Nemaflow, frozen with fear, put on his best effort to act normally.

Nemaflow : "Surely these bears are not upgraded. They can only roar, not transform."

Penguin : "Indeed you are correct. But they are enough to kill YOU. A + Left click!"

Nemaflow : "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek"

Nemaflow ran the opposite direction as fast as he could.

After running for what seemed like an eternity in the corridor, he finally reached the end and grabbed the doorknob.

But when he opened the door, the unknown warrior was standing right there, his body covered in blood and emitting stenches of foul beasts he murdered.

Nemaflow : "Begone evil creature! You are standing in my way!"

Nemaflow, desperate to escape the deadly claws of the druids, tried to push his way through the entrance.

??? : "Is your name Nemaflow?"

Nemaflow : "What evil sorcery is this. How do you know my name stranger?"

??? : "Then I was correct. I have come to rescue you."

Nemaflow : "If this is the truth, then first save me from these bears that are chasing me relentlessly."

The strange warrior gave a quick glance at the bears who were approaching them and leaped forward.

??? : "Very well. Slaying a few dozen more bears will do us no harm."

The mysterious warrior drew his blade and quickly ended the bears' lives.

Nemaflow : "You are a fearsome being. You say you have come to rescue me, and I am no less than extric to find out that you are on my side. I don't think we've met. What mystic land do you come from?"

??? : "I come from the neighboring kingdom of Infernal Cry."

Nemaflow : "A war broke?"

???: "No. King Anatoliy requested me to come save you."

Nemaflow : "This takes me by great surprise! How does the good king know of my misfortune?"

??? : "I believe the noble lord of Warrengham requested this personally."

Nemaflow : "I see. Then my friends have not abandoned me."

Nemaflow took a sigh of relief.

??? : "Come. We have to go! Surely the evil tyrant knows of my presence by now."

They escaped the citadel, and ran as fast as they could in the direction of Wales province.

It was a silent night, and Nemaflow could hear his own breath in the mist of flight.

He had been running with all his might, but now he felt lactic acid building up in his muscles.

He decided that it was safe enough to slow down.

Nemaflow : "You have made a monumental impression on me tonight, single-handedly combating your way to ressurect me from my ill fate. I have to ask you this - what is your name brave warrior?"

??? : "Is such a trivial matter of any importance?"

Nemaflow : "You do yourself injustice. This is important to me, for Nemaflow never forgets his benefactors."

??? : "Very well. If you wish to know-"

A wolf howled at this moment.

The moon was glowing brightly.

??? : "My name is Pride."

Last edited by [N]emato on Tue 22 Dec 2009, 9:05 pm; edited 2 times in total
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The Story of Duke Nemati [Ch 2] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Story of Duke Nemati [Ch 2]   The Story of Duke Nemati [Ch 2] EmptyTue 22 Dec 2009, 5:50 pm

ah quite a fearsome tail and warrior, an intriguing chapter yet lexi belle is quite kek compared to others, flows taste is of much needed upgrades.

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The Story of Duke Nemati [Ch 2] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Story of Duke Nemati [Ch 2]   The Story of Duke Nemati [Ch 2] EmptyTue 22 Dec 2009, 10:59 pm

o.o what happened to the part where pride leads the way through the snow ?
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The Story of Duke Nemati [Ch 2] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Story of Duke Nemati [Ch 2]   The Story of Duke Nemati [Ch 2] EmptyTue 22 Dec 2009, 11:10 pm

10 days ago...

Anatoliy : "Welcome, gentlemen. I have been informed by my scouts that you two are crossing the border to our lands."

Nemato : "I am most grateful for your kind reception, good king."

Nemato, being as polite as he could, kneeled before the great king.

Nemati : "King Anatoliy! We come at the most crucial time, for our own dear knight Nemaflow was snatched away by an evil force. A tyranny in its most wicked form, King Nzar used his evil charm to confuse our brave knight into an eternal servitude."

Nemato : "We need your help."

Anatoliy, the wise king, touched his chin slowly while thinking.

Anatoliy : "I could supply you with goods and some rare items in secrecy, but I cannot lead my kingdom to the brink of a war. I cannot do anymore for you gentlemen."

Nemato : "But Anatoliy! You must help! Give us your men! If you let us succumb to the tyrant, you have lost yourself an ally in the future, for King Nzar will surely, one day, look to expand his territories!"

Anatoliy : "What you say is true...however...."


In the secret chamber, King Anatoliy summoned his second-in-rank general Pride.

Anatoliy : "Pride, my excellent warrior. Time has come for you to prove your war engaging abilities. Are you prepared for this hard journey?"

Pride : "I am ready."

Anatoliy : "Then you must go to the kingdom of 2 elves 1 nzar, and rescue a knight called Nemaflow from the evil grasp of King Nzar. Can you do this?"

Pride : "Yes."

Anatoliy : "You must not let Nzar get a hold of you, for he will know that you are one of my men. Be swift, use the force of windwalk efficiently."


The winter weather was cruel, and not at all compromising for two figures travelling up north to Wales province.

Nemaflow : "This weather.....is wicked, as if..........King Nzar's grasp reaches us here, through his evil energy."

Pride : "You shiver more than you talk. Do not breathe in cold air through your mouth."

Nemaflow : "It is easy for you.... you come from......cold lands.... I am not......adjusted to.."

Pride : "Quiet!"

Pride, alert and able to pick up the slightest signs of movements in distance, stopped Nemaflow.

It was a leopard.

Pride : "Come on, Nemaflow. We are half way to Wales province."

Nemaflow : "Ah, ha, hahaha..."

Pride : "What is funny?"

Nemaflow : "We are lost. You have lost track in the snow, as have I. I hear your lies clearly."

Pride : "Hmph."

Pride, ignoring Nemaflow, moved forward. Nemaflow, shivering very hard, followed closely.

Nemaflow : "We are doomed! Trapped....bounded in the snow...haha.."

Pride : "You get on my nerves, knight. Your negative synergy has no room in my presence."

Indeed this was not looking good for two lost travellers.

Nemaflow, shaken severely with cold, lost colours

on his cheeks. Every passing minute, his lips became duller.

Nemaflow : "I have come close to winning my fair lady's heart in my dreams. I suppose an inconclusion to our love story is a fair ending."

Pride : "Foolish creature! Do not slow down here, you will only get colder."

Pride, urging Nemaflow to go on, led way as best as he could, but in the foreign lands, covered in snow everywhere, it was extremely hard to determine the direction in which they were headed.

Eventually, they found their way to an isolated inn.

Without much debate, they entered the warm shelter.

Pride : "We shall fully rest here."

Nemaflow : "What an eerie place is this! This is an abandoned mansion, probably haunted by evil spirits. I do not see good ends from staying here any longer than we have to."

Pride : "Superstitious, are we?"

Pride, uncaring, checked the upstairs and found a room unlocked.

In the room was a bed and a chimney with fire lit on.

Nemaflow : "See? Evil spirits! Fire burning when the place is deserted!"

Pride : "Or perhaps we have a visitor after all."

Pride searched his backpack and used dust.

In the corner appeared a hooded figure.

Pride : "Give me your name, or die at my blade!"

??? : "Calm. Calm, people! I am a wanderer, a rogue. We are not enemies."

At the stranger's claim, Pride and Nemaflow exchanged looks, and silently agreed that they could trust him.

Pride : "What is a rogue doing in this part of the land? This is a dangerous place, and exceptionally deadly in cold winters."

??? : "Surely we can talk after you put away your blade?"

Pride dropped his deadly blade at the wanderer's request.

??? : "Tell me first, fellow travellers, before I unveil my identity. What are your dispositions toward King Nzar?"

Nemaflow : "I knew it! This evil man works for the tyrant!"

Nemaflow blurted out, but the rogue quickly corrected himself.

??? : "You are mistaken, knight. I am an sworn enemy of the tyrant, if you must know."

Pride : "Then you would do well to share your name with us, if you are indeed a friend."

??? : "My name is Peachcobbler."

This answer had a devastating effect.

Nemaflow gave out a hysterical laugh, and Pride aimed his blade at the rogue once again.

Pride : "Explain!"

Peachcobbler : "Clearly you have heard of my tale, judging from your reaction. So what is there to explain, I ask?"

Pride : "Then explain how you are not dead."

Peachcobbler : "Very well. As you can see, I travel from one odd place to another in hopes of avoiding King Nzar's scouts, and this is how I have prolonged my life, by becoming a wanderer. Whatever false rumour of my demise Nzar has spread is not true."

Nemaflow : "...The heir to the throne was kept alive?"

Pride : "This is indeed most surprising."

Peachcobbler waited for his audience to let out any remarks before continuing his story.

Peachcobbler : "Nzar used his evil charm to confuse me into forfeiting my throne! He's turned my generals and commanders into my enemies, and now I cannot even claim back what is rightfully mine, because he's grown too strong."

Nemaflow thought for a second and opened his mouth cautiously.

Nemaflow : "Come with us, the last heir. My name is Nemaflow, and I am an advisor and a knight to the majestic duke of Wales, who is at war against the tyrant at this moment. In fact, we are headed to Wales province right now."

Peachcobbler seemed most surprised.

Peachcobbler : "Has the tide of my ill fortunes finally turned? I have heard of the majestic duke of Wales, indeed. Rumours travel faster than winds. His name is Nemati, correct?"

Nemaflow : "Yes, and he hates King Nzar with a passion. We will return to Wales together and join the ranks of warriors and knights. The good duke will give us both protection."

Peachcobbler accepted this proposal, and they decided to travel together.

Peachcobbler : "This Nemati....sounds oddly similar to Nemato. Perhaps they are blood relations?"

Nemaflow : "Nay. But Nemato is Nemati's most trusted alliance. They have united to fight against the tyranny."

Peachcobbler : "I see. There was a time when Nemato served under my command...."

Nemaflow : "Then he is your friend! Delightful. Nemato is currently residing in Wales, too, I presume. You shall meet him shortly. Come now. We shall depart now."

Nemaflow, in his hyper state of mind, hurried his companions out of the inn.

Pride : "It is hard to imagine that you are the same fool who almost died in the cold half an hour ago. Now you actually want to leave the warm shelter to walk in this harsh weather!"

Nemaflow : "We will have to move constantly if you are escourting the last heir! Surely King Nzar has dispatched a large number of shades everywhere to look for him. Let us go now!"

Upon Nemaflow's insistence, they left the inn.

Pride : "Heir, I assume you know the directions better than us. Lead the way."

Peachcobbler : "Indeed years of wandering have led my navigatory skills to grow unparred by any other creature. Wales province is a faraway land that I have never been to, but regardless of that, I will lead us there safely."

And so the three travellers moved at a fast pace, their hopes renewed at the finding of a new alliance.

And a powerful alliance this will prove to be...
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The Story of Duke Nemati [Ch 2] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Story of Duke Nemati [Ch 2]   The Story of Duke Nemati [Ch 2] EmptyWed 23 Dec 2009, 1:00 am

I have made many corrections to last two pages of this chapter. Those of you that read them when I first posted them may want to read again, although no significant alteration to the main story has been made.
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The Story of Duke Nemati [Ch 2] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Story of Duke Nemati [Ch 2]   The Story of Duke Nemati [Ch 2] EmptyWed 23 Dec 2009, 11:37 pm

Ah warrior, i am in georgia on my way to your land and have encountered internet for the first time in my 27hr drive to florida. I am pleased your history archives are growing larger, i shall also add to these archives in a few days hopefully. Continue on with the revival of our tales.
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» The Story of Duke Nemati [Ch 4]
» The Story of Duke Nemati [Epilogue]
» The official Nemati song

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